
A technical blog covering subjects related to the technology and techniques encountered with projects and more generally.

Mastering Ansible Check Mode

On first glance, working with Ansible check mode can seem difficult to the point of not being worth pursuing. However with a few tricks, check mode can be tamed and used in your daily Ansible life. Read more ...

Published: 2020-06-05  Ansible

Managing Firewalld with Ansible - Part 3

In the final part of our short series, we will cover handling outbound rules. Read more ...

Published: 2020-03-24  Ansible Linux Centos Redhat

Managing Firewalld with Ansible - Part 2

In the first part of our series, we got the basics out of the way. Now we will look at handling inbound firewalld rules with Ansible. Read more ...

Published: 2020-03-17  Ansible Centos Redhat Linux

Managing Firewalld with Ansible - Part 1

Ansible already provides modules to handle Firewalld, however it can be tricky to build a comprehensive, flexible ruleset. Here we will combine those modules, with Roles, to achieve a highly flexible approach. Read more ...

Published: 2020-03-10  Ansible Linux Centos Redhat
