Blog Category: CentOS

Managing Firewalld with Ansible - Part 3

In the final part of our short series, we will cover handling outbound rules. Read more ...

Published: 2020-03-24  Ansible Linux Centos Redhat

Managing Firewalld with Ansible - Part 2

In the first part of our series, we got the basics out of the way. Now we will look at handling inbound firewalld rules with Ansible. Read more ...

Published: 2020-03-17  Ansible Centos Redhat Linux

Managing Firewalld with Ansible - Part 1

Ansible already provides modules to handle Firewalld, however it can be tricky to build a comprehensive, flexible ruleset. Here we will combine those modules, with Roles, to achieve a highly flexible approach. Read more ...

Published: 2020-03-10  Ansible Linux Centos Redhat